Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How's about a breastmilk shake?

PETA activists are nutjobs. There, I said it.

WNBC in New York reports that PETA sent a letter to Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream imploring them to start using breast milk in their ice cream. To their credit, B&J's pretty much told them to go pound sand.

But wait, that's not the best part. The precedent that PETA used for the request? A Swiss restaurant named Storchen has evidently started using human milk in it's dishes. Or at least he tried, but got shut down by the Swiss government.

Also, have a look at this character. I wonder if he even knows what breast milk tastes like. Some questions are better left unasked.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Joy of Flight

I've decided to take private pilot lessons. I'll pause a moment while that sinks in.

Yes, I've gotten bored with having my job also be my hobby (as it is with most techie people) so at the urging of my father I've decided to pursue something I've always had more than a passing interest in. Today, I went to the Shelby County Airport for a "discovery flight" (basically to see if I have the nerve to fly in something that has about as much interior space as my car). I have to say, that was perhaps the coolest thing I've done, in a long time.

Honestly, the plane was not as hard to fly as I thought it would be. Of course, any seasoned pilot will tell you that *flying* is easy, it's the landing that takes skill and practice :-) . I have a *lot* of weight to lose before I can be as comfortable in the cockpit as I am in my Windstar, but I've needed to lose weight for the longest time anyway, and this is just one more reason to finally put down the Kit Kat bars and the Wendy's double cheeseburgers, get off my dead behind, and *do* something.

More to follow...