Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

Yeah, I'm a little behind. Story of my life. :-)

Anyway, happy new year to both readers of this blog. 2010 will be quite the year of change on a personal level. I'm starting down the path of Lap-Band weight loss surgery. I decided that fat, drunk and stupid was no way to go through life :) . I've slowly "let myself go" and am now close to 380 pounds. I've long looked at weight loss surgery as an "easy out" that I could never see myself going through.

Then I started working out. And quickly discovered that being this heavy pretty much precludes much movement at all, not without severe pain shortly thereafter. So, I have decided to go down this path, simply because I need to lose a lot of weight simply so I can start exercising and lose even more weight. Now I doubt I will ever see the 190 pounds that I was at age 20 again, but if I can get down to 230 or so I will be ecstatic.

So, watch this space. Lots of interesting things to come, I'm sure.