Monday, January 19, 2009

Nice guys finish last

I ran across this anecdotal story on Slashdot today, and it really got me to thinking - that nice guys always finish last. In the case of the story presented, it was a butthead manager that decided it was better to slide the knife in the back of his co-worker, but is it not the case in life, that nice guys finish last? I know the Bible says that "The meek shall inherit the earth" and "the last shall be first" - but it's a constant struggle with the human nature inherent in all of us to maintain the humility and meekness that the Lord requires of His children. The Psalmist sums up the same sentiments in Psalms 73:1-3 - "But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled; My steps had nearly slipped. For I was envious of the boastful, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked." It takes a great deal of living by faith when you know your job could be taken by the arrogant sociopaths of the world, that care nothing of Biblical principles, or of their fellow man. This is a struggle I have daily, but I know as I get closer to Christ the "new creature" will kill the "old man" and the Christian walk will get easier.