Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Job changes

Well, it's been official for a week now. I've changed job positions with my employer, the US subsidiary of a multinational financial services company :-). I now support the network directly (routers, switches, etc) instead of doing server support.

Now, you might ask, "What's a server jockey doing taking a job as a router monkey?". Good question :-) This is always a direction I've wanted to take my career, and I've actually attended classes in the distant past to become Cisco certified. I never completed them, because the fraudulent school I attended took the money and ran. I got a laptop out of the deal, I affectionately refer to it as "my $21,000 laptop". But that's a story for a different post.

At any rate, I'll be exposed to a lot of cool technology in the new position (well, cool to me, anyway).

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Those poor mortgage lenders

Well, right out of the gate, a politically-themed post. Yippee!!

I ran across this post at the Kansas Curmudgeon blog, which pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter.

The home mortgage crisis is only a symptom of a larger problem in America today, and that is this: corporations pretty much own our government. Our elected officials are not beholden to the taxpayer citizens anymore, because we can't wave millions of dollars at them - which is criminal. Whether it's the drug companies fudging the research for the FDA so they can rush their new heart-attack-inducing drug to market, to the banking industry getting a free pass on consumer's rights, it is sickening. All in the name of greed.

It is, truly, all about the Benjamins.

Winter Greetings

Welcome to the random ramblings of a computer geek from the south. Hopefully, this blog will be a bit more lively than my last one, which languished for months with nary a post.

I hope you'll visit often, and contribute as you see fit.